Katalon TestCloud

Experience high-performance cross-browser and platform testing

Katalon TestCloud

What is TestCloud?

Easily execute automated tests across the most common browsers and devices on the cloud while we take care of the heavy lifting, all accessible from your TestOps and Studio latest versions.

Scalability and Flexibility

Scalability and Flexibility

QA teams and devs have agility to handle ever-changing ecosystems and business needs.

Hassle-Free Testing

Hassle-Free Testing

Effortless access to on-demand test environments with pre-configured setup.

Advanced Security

Advanced Security

Enterprise-grade security to safeguard every step of the testing pipeline.

Go-to solution for on-demand test environments

A broad set of test configurations readily available for users at all testing maturity levels.

Unified Platform Experience

Design, orchestrate, and execute all your tests within the Katalon platform. Users can design scripts with Studio, execute them using TestCloud, orchestrate the entire testing process, and gain insights using TestOps — within the same Katalon account.

Unified Platform Experience
Flexible Testing Capabilities

Flexible Testing Capabilities

Test on any available browser, version, OS, or combination of the three. With TestCloud, QA engineers and testers are not limited to testing on available local environments or waiting for IT to deploy the ones they need.

Broad CI/CD Integration

Integrate TestCloud into the most common CI/CD pipelines to test on every commit and on any desired environments.

Broad CI/CD Integration
Simple Orchestration

Simple Orchestration

Press click and run. It's that simple. With TestCloud, users don't need to manually set up their own test environments (local agents, Kubernetes and CircleCI)

Access TestCloud right within Studio & TestOps



One place, for a seamless testing experience

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